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Webinar | Search pattern planning feature for UAS

UgCS: Flight Planning & Control
August 23, 2018

Airborne Response and UgCS hosted a joint web conference on August 16, 2018, to officially unveil the new search features of the UgCS mission planning software.

UgCS, the world’s premier provider of mission planning software for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), together with public safety and disaster response UAS experts Airborne Response®, have developed a comprehensive search capability for drones that will allow remote pilots to more effectively conduct search and rescue operations using the UgCS platform.

The new software enhancements will provide users with a variety of quickly customizable search patterns such as the “expanding square” and “creeping line” that can be easily deployed in emergency and non-emergency situations. Based on the flight altitude input by the operator, the UgCSsoftware will automatically calculate key variables such as the course heading and track spacing necessary to provide the prescribed coverage area for a search target.
