Methane Detection
The airborne solution for fast and high-precision methane detection from a distance

How it works

The Laser Falcon uses TDLAS-tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The methane detector emits the laser beam and measures the reflected energy. When the laser hits a methane cloud, energy is absorbed, and the sensor registers the presence of methane.

The Laser Falcon sensor is designed for airborne use and needs to be mounted on the UAV along with the SkyHub onboard computer. The SkyHub onboard computer records the sensor readings and GPS coordinates with high precision, making it possible to build accurate methane emission maps and develop precise work orders for field teams. Drones help significantly reduce the area for on-foot inspection and make it at least 3 times faster.

The system with Laser Falcon can be used for different types of inspection, like gas facilities, pipelines, and landfills

The main task for the Laser Falcon kit is screening; this tool can’t be used for methane quantification.

Screening is an activity of locating methane emission sources and ranging them by relative intensity for further analysis. Quantification determines an emission rate, such as mass or volume per time. This can be done directly through measurement of the emissions or indirectly through estimations, calculations, and modelling.

The Laser Falcon uses TDLAS-tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The methane detector emits the laser beam and measures the reflected energy. When the laser hits a methane cloud, energy is absorbed, and the sensor registers the presence of methane.


Example of data collected using drone-mounted Laser Falcon methane detector over an artificial leak

Fig.1 - Example of data collected using drone-mounted Laser Falcon methane detector over an artificial leak

Results of methane measurements using the Laser Falcon can be represented in multiple forms. The most popular are coloured heat map overlay, 3D map with methane spikes, or thermal map overlay in GIS software.

Processed data can be exported as a text document or PDF or shared through the link to the DroneGIS platform.

Recommended industry practices

Good screening method should conform to essential requirements:
 - High speed of data collection
 - Low dependence on the geometry and location of inspected equipment: landscape, vegetation, vertical structures
 - Ability to collect data remotely to ensure the safety of personnel and reduce the chance of methane ignition
 - Low false positive and false negative rates to minimize data verification effort

Tell us more about the place you want to survey and its conditions

And we will help you choose the best option

Benefits of methane inspection with UAV

Traditional methane leak detection methods involve using a car, helicopter, or ground crew with handheld devices. Sometimes, the use of these methods can be complicated, especially in the case of small, hazardous, or hard-to-reach areas. Using helicopters for surveying small areas is not economically feasible, and roads are needed for cars equipped with methane detection sensors. Ground inspections take a lot of time and are not always safe for humans due to hazardous areas. Installing stationary detectors at landfills is difficult because the active area of the landfill constantly changes the terrain.

The better approach is to fly a drone (UAV) to carry the methane sensor.

A drone is compact and easy to transport and deploy. It is also highly precise in following planned survey lines and can be used anywhere there is at least a small area for take-off and landing near the surveyed area.

Consider mapping methane leaks on a landfill using, for example, a DJI M350. Given its battery endurance, speed of 3-7 m/s (recommended to Falcon sensor), line spacing of 5-15 meters, and elevation variations, it can cover roughly 2.5-5 hectares per battery set. That means the UAV can survey 5 hectares in just one hour, which is over 6 times faster than ground crews and 2 times faster than sniffer drones.

Works in a hazardous environment

With UAV, you can thoroughly survey landfills, a gas pipeline section, or other gas infrastructure facilities where access from the ground is impossible or restricted. The system works in a hazardous environment that humans cannot approach freely. A drone with Laser Falcon can detect methane molecules with high confidence at a distance of up to 30m.


For small survey areas, the mobilization cost for the helicopter or car with methane detection equipment may exceed the survey's price. A highly portable UAV system saves time for mobilization and deployment and will be more cost-efficient than a standard approach.

Precise positioning

The drone's precise positioning while following the survey routes and ability to fly at a constant speed and specified altitudes result in high-accuracy and repeatable measurements.

Typical applications

UAV-borne methane detection system allows fast remote scanning for leak detection and location. Discover the typical applications for drone-borne methane detection systems

UAV-borne methane detection system for landfill inspection, allows fast remote scanning for methane leak detection and location
Photo © Symbiotica Srl

Landfills inspection

Drone-based methane detection of gas pipeline with Laser Falcon with UgCS and SkyHub - technologies by SPH Engineering
Photo © Gulf Coast Helicopters

Gas pipeline inspection

Drone-based methane detection of gas facilities - gas tanks, pressure stations with Laser Falcon and technology by SPH Engineering
Photo © SPH Engineering

Gas facilities inspection (gas tank, pressure station, etc.)

Tell us about your case

And we will tell you how to implement a methane detector solution for your application

System components

The methane detection system for UAV consists of multiple components. For your convenience, all necessary components, software, and services are combined into methane detection bundle.

Compatible drones: DJI M300/M350/M600, Inspired Flight IF1200A, Harris Aerial H6, and Wispr Ranger Pro and similar UAV

Laser Falcon
The Laser Falcon sensor is designed for airborne use and needs to be mounted on the UAV along with the SkyHub onboard computer.
SkyHub onboard computer
Acts as datalogger for methane leaks and GPS coordinates with high precision, implementing True Terrain Following mode for DJI drones
Laser or Radar altimeter
Laser or Radar altimeter to fly automatically in terrain-following mode
UgCS flight planning software
Offers precise flight planning tools at low altitudes in complex terrain. UgCS records Full Motion Video (FMV) with methane readings and instantly shows methane detections to the pilot.
DroneGIS data processing software
Combines all processed data, using the orthophoto as a base layer on top of which other information, like flight paths, emission maps, measurements, and presence of technical infrastructure can be presented.

System performance

Practical performance depends on many factors, like drone model, flight speed, and wind speed.

Line spacing / Speed4 m/s5 m/s6 m/s7 m/s
2 m2.32.93.54
4 m4.
6 m6.98.610.412.1
8 m9.211.513.816.1
Approximate* landfill screening performance, Ha/hour
Flight type/ Speed4 m/s5 m/s6 m/s7 m/s
Approximate* pipeline screening performance, Km/hour

*Approximate – depends on the weather conditions and the UAV model

Case Studies
Data Sets

The methane detection system records data in two standard formats

  • CSV files (DroneGIS)
  • LOG files (LMC Process software)

Discover the downloadable data-sets of drone based methane detection surveys by SPH Engineering »»»

Falcon 2 Methane data
Falcon 2 Methane data
Methane detector
Environmental engineering
Methane data combined with Point Cloud
Methane data combined with Point Cloud
Methane detector
Environmental engineering
Frequently Asked Questions
How fast can a drone fly with the Laser Falcon?
The recommended fly speed is 2-6 m/s, but of course, you need to choose the most relevant speed based on the weather conditions, survey area, and quality of gathered data.
What is the recommended altitude for the survey?
The Laser Falcon can detect methane up to 100 m, but the recommended altitude for the survey is 15-30 meters over the surface.
How long will the drone fly with the Laser Falcon mounted on the DJI M300/M350?
Many nuances influence the fly time, but in more or less good conditions, you can expect 30 minutes.
What is the main benefit of the UAV-based sensor?
You can speed up your existing workflow, the safety of the staff, and of course flights over hard-to-reach places.
Can we detect underwater leaks?
No. The performance of all laser-based technologies is not acceptable over water.
Can we use the Laser Falcon with other payloads, such as the camera?
Yes, of course. This way, you will get the readings from the sensor and the video feed, which will provide you not only with GPS coordinates of the methane cloud/leak but also with images of the area.