Transform your mining operations with drone technologies

Explore faster, safer, and more cost-effective solutions for exploration, mapping, surveying, and monitoring.

Drone-based sensors offer benefits at every step of the mining value chain

Sensors-equipped drones solve everyday mining tasks up to 10x times faster, up to 70% cheaper, and with less risk than traditional methods

Drone Technologies of SPH Engineering for Mining

Prospecting & Surveying

Integrated systems help gather maximum information for operations planning and minimize survey risks


  • Detect underground infrastructure and any metal objects
  • Search for unexploded ordnance in the potential mining area
  • Discover abandoned mines and wells

Exploration & Resource evaluation

Drones speed up the mineral exploration phase and allow more precise and cheaper surveys than helicopter-based and terrestrial methods


  • Perform geologic mapping in the exploration for mineable minerals and other extractable resources
  • Identify ore bodies’ spatial distribution by searching for regional variations in the magnetic field
  • Conduct geological surveys to discover anomalies

Use Case

Exploration for blind geothermal systems

  • Nevada university
  • Magnetics surveying to discover geothermal fluid pathways
  • Able to scan the area 4-10X larger compared to ground surveying

Mining excavation & Haulage

Integrated UAV-based systems make real-time monitoring of mining sites possible


  • Blast area surveys to plan operations and prevent risks to staff
  • Quantifying stockpile volume to plan excavation and estimate profits
  • Assets integrity control to ensure operational continuity
  • Identify tramp metal in stockpiles to prevent costly crushers outages

Use Case

Tramp Metal Identification

  • Mining company
  • Identify tramp metals in stockpiles
  • Identified areas of magnetic anomalies – possible locations of tramp metals
  • Prevented possible crushers outage
  • Productivity is 7200 sq. m. in 30 mins (single flight)


After operations are launched, the Mining site requires day-to-day monitoring. Drones make it times faster and cheaper


  • Monitor tailing storage facilities (TSF) structures to prevent potential accidents
  • Perform humidity analysis of TSFs to minimize dangerous leakages
  • Conduct stratigraphic horizon modeling

Use Case

Humidity Analysis at Tailings Dam

  • A Mining company, Chile
  • Humidity Analysis at Tailings Dam
  • Highlighted anomalies related to humidity
  • Continuous monitoring of the Tailings Dam Wall for stability
  • Monthly Comparison of humidity levels against the Tailings Dam Wall

Use Case

Stability Comparison within Production Front

  • A Mining company, Chile
  • Stability Comparison within Production Front
  • DJI M600 + UgCS + RadarTeam SE70
  • Stability analysis on the production front
  • Lithological and structural comparison
  • Complementary Humidity Analysis


Drones can help to assess the mining site for reclamation efforts, monitor the progress of the recovery process, and identify any potential issues that need to be addressed


  • Control water depth and sediments at TSF and technological ponds to minimize leakages
  • Regular water sampling to comply with environmental requirements
  • Assess vegetation and green biomass after closing the mine

Use Case

Open Pit Mine Bathymetry

  • Brolgatech/Maxitool, Mining services companies
  • Depth profiling
  • Scanned the pond and gathered all required data on water depth and sediments
  • Minimized the risk to personnel and equipment

A Drone Program Saves Millions of Dollars Annually

  • Drones can perform 10x faster than traditional ground-based operations
  • Surveying of mining areas and hazardous sites significantly reduces risks and may save employees’ lives
  • Increased data accuracy saves 2-3x of data preprocessing efforts. Data is fully compatible with data processing software (Oasis Montaj, Prism 2, and others)
  • Potential savings may result in millions of dollars thanks to reduced operational expenses and downtime elimination