Webinar I End-to-end Powerline inspections workflow explained
Data Processing & Custom Development
May 23, 2023
Join the live webinar by SPH Engineering in collaboration with Green Valley International
"End-to-end Powerline inspections workflow explained".
1. Data acquisition: - Getting a point cloud of a powerline with UgCS Lidar tools - Getting high-resolution images of power poles
2. Data processing: - Finding danger points of vegetation encroachments in LiPowerlines - Vectorizing conductor and measuring wire sag in LiPowerlines - Annotating images and generating PDF report in ImageInspector
Alexey Yankelevich
Co-Founder and Head of Software Development·SPH Engineering
He was the key developer behind the flagman UgCS drone mission planner back in 2013. Since then he has been responsible for R&D projects in the company, including the introduction of ATLAS, an AI powered platform to process data gathered with a UAV. As of today Alexei leads product development and liaises with main UgCS and ATLAS customers.
Cody McColl
NA Operations Manager & Customer Success Manager·Green Valley International
University of California, Berkeley Alumni in the field of Geography and Geospatial Sciences & Technologies! Northern California native with a passion for LiDAR and making a change in the world with the goals of a brighter and more environmentally conscious future for all humans, everywhere!