Interview with David Zaorálek, CEO in SPECTRUM BRANDS
DSS team: How did you come to the decision to start a drone show business?
David: We have made multimedia shows for more than 10 years and have always followed the current trends of global shows and clients have been asking us for a show visible directly in the sky for a long time. We became more interested in drone light shows about 4 years ago. At that time we had written to all the big drone companies in the world, but the prices were not reimbursable in our country then. The turning point came 2 years back when drone prices and drone shows reached other prices in Europe also thanks to SPH Engineering offering European support and connecting us with other partners in the industry.
The winning project, which was awarded a special prize in the 2nd International Drone Show Competition for the wonderful simultaneous drone show in 2 cities.
DSS team: What was the most difficult at the first stage?
David: It all started with getting the first client and convincing them that a drone show would bring a heavy effect (the effect was so strong that we became part of the biggest campaign in our country, which had more than 100,000,000 impressions). But getting the client was only the beginning, after we had to go through many negotiations with the CAA and the Ministry of Transport to be able to fly drone shows in our country.
DSS team: What are your favorite projects you have completed? And why?
David: My favorite show is the Element show, which for me combines everything that is possible with dynamic 3D content, with 200 drones and with the lake. The show has a great atmosphere.
DSS team: What is the most interesting thing for you in running this type of business?
David: The great thing is that we get to go to very interesting places that often have a unique character. The feeling of having hundreds of drones taking off with lights directly over your head is unmatched. I'm happy to say that we can already satisfy almost all clients and we can deliver the show within a week thanks to our experience.
DSS team: Do you think drone show teams from all over the world will join forces in the future?
David: I would love to see us teaming up more and more to create bigger shows. I can definitely see more teams getting involved in different competitions, festivals or bigger Roadshows.
DSS team: Tell us a couple of the most key facts about your team?
David: We have been putting on multimedia shows for over 10 years. We have done hundreds of multimedia shows all over the world, dozens of drone shows and one of our latest big achievements is the realization of the national pavilion at DUBAI EXPO. Our wider team includes dozens of unique collaborators who are involved in both the creative and technical processes.

DSS team: What are your plans for the winter season? What would be success for you?
David: We have several international drone shows planned across Europe. Of course we would love to do more elaborate 3D shows and keep pushing the drone numbers. Let's say a show of more than 1000 drones would be a real success for us.
DSS team: We certainly wish you success with this, everything will work out and we will be there! See you at the 3rd International Drone Show Competition!
The art of the drone show choreography by Drone Show Europe.