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Drone Show Software v.4.1 released

Drone Show Technologies
August 2, 2022

Riga, Latvia - July 28, 2022 - SPH Engineering announces the release of update v.4.1 of Drone Show Software — the world’s only widely available software for drone show management and control.

Major changes:

Firmware 4.1.2: increased frames per second from 4 to 24 (maximum), which allows us to create impressive animation dynamics. 24FPS LED offers improved show experience with impressive 24FPS LED animations.


  • New firmware is sending real time alerts to DSS. Several views of alerts are made to make user experience more convenient and alerts more helpful.
  • Alerts details view for fleet preparation reports fleet status, helps locate drones requiring attention. With one click you can select all drones with particular alerts in the Detail view. Alert card contains an alert description and recommended action.
  • Alerts tab for individual drones. No more guessing why the drone remains in status Not ready - individual vehicle alerts list with message and fix suggestion.
  • During drone show preparation stages for some reason some of your drones could be not ready to fly status and SWAP tool allows to quickly prepare the new drones and add them to the line.

SWAP tool: if there is no time to fix the drone, swap it with a backup drone with just a few clicks.

Fast land: alternative option to save drones instead of Disarm, use fast land command. Fast land command will send a drone emergency landing command. If the drone is still able to maintain altitude, the command will be executed, and the drone will land. Drones will land very quickly compared to regular landing.

Statistics window: sensor overview provides real time data from sensors during the preparation stage as well while the fleet is already in the air. Irreplaceable tool for large fleet real time inflight monitoring giving clear overview of status reports from vital drone sensors.

Single VSM for large fleets: single VSM for large fleets combined with drones with the same MAV_ID.

Improved 2D view and 3D View for large fleets: completely reworked 2D and 3D view, for better performance and fast transformation, with additional side views (view settings, groups stats, alerts, dance settings).

Fleet simulator: built in fleet simulator tool, replacing old text file configuration process. Just specify formation size, capture dance center location and start the fleet. Changes needed, no problem, make necessary adjustments, restart the fleet and have it online in just a second.

Mavlink console: drone tuning and configuration made easier, Mavlink console available in DSS client.

With Drone Show Software technologies, running a drone show is always easier, safer, and more professional. We care about the success and development of our customers!
